Radiant Config in source control

I'm currently maintaining the settings extension which provides a nice interface for editing the Radiant::Config settings.

In general it's a nice extension for people who know what they are doing, but I tend not to use it in production sites. The settings are not likely to be updated often, and I hate to add to an interface where more features are not absolutely necessary.

Of courI'm currently maintaining the settings extension which provides a nice interface for editing the Radiant::Config settings.

In general it's a nice extension for people who know what they are doing, but I tend not to use it in production sites. The settings are not likely to be updated often, and I hate to add to an interface where more features are not absolutely necessary.

Of course you should be backing up your database, but if you want to store settings with your source control and manage updates with deployments you can use 2 lesser known rake tasks in Radiant:

rake radiant:config:export
    rake radiant:config:import

Those will generate and import config/radiant_config.yml file for you which you can use during your deployment process.


I should also mention the extra details. If you have multiple radiant applications running on a server, you can set the RADIANT_CONFIG_PATH to some location where you share your standard settings. Just run:

rake radiant:config:import RADIANT_CONFIG_PATH=/var/custom_radiant/custom_config.yml

And you can put all your standard things like settings for paperclippedse you should be backing up your database, but if you want to store settings with your source control and manage updates with deployments you can use 2 lesser known rake tasks in Radiant:

rake radiant:config:export
    rake radiant:config:import

Those will generate and import config/radiant_config.yml file for you which you can use during your deployment process.


I should also mention the extra details. If you have multiple radiant applications running on a server, you can set the RADIANT_CONFIG_PATH to some location where you share your standard settings. Just run:

rake radiant:config:import RADIANT_CONFIG_PATH=/var/custom_radiant/custom_config.yml

And you can put all your standard things like settings for paperclipped